Montana's Natural History
Explore Montana's Natural History
Lee Castleberry Taxidermy Room.
Carter Countyis home to over 98 percent of Montana’s species diversity, including foxes, skunks, badgers, white tail and mule deer, antelope, bobcats, mountain lions, wolves, coyotes, and many native birds. In fact, the turkeys in Ekalaka are Montana’s native turkey.
The Lee Castleberry Taxidermy room is named for a taxidermist who created many of the mounts you see on display. The most famous is our two-headed calf.
Recent taxidermy includes mounts by Jenn Hall Tooke of Hell Creek Studios and Prey Taxidermy. In 2023, Prey Taxidermy (Los Angeles, CA) partnered with the Carter County Museum to create a reconstruction of an Ichthyornis, a toothy-seabird from the Cretaceous Period using specimens on loan from the Moore Laboratory of Zoology (Los Angeles, CA).